Sunday, February 20, 2011

February Update

I have been using and it has been great. God has really been showing some stuff to me. I feel that He is doing this for a greater reason that I don't even realize what His plan is. :) I read in the Bible the diligent prosper and we are not supposed to owe anybody ANYTHING. So, that makes me feel better about deciding to be debt free in 2011. It's a struggle, but with God's help, nothing is a struggle. God is amazing in how He shows me to just trust Him. God's will, I will have another credit card paid off the first week of March and possibly another one in April. With God, I could even possibly be paying off more that what MY plan is because HIS plan is much greater than mine. Thank you Father for showing me how to trust you and open the floodgates up for me to live a fearless life and show others how to trust in you with just a mustard seed of faith. I receive your blessings and believe there are more for me out there! In Jesus Name, AMEN!